Beyond Words Studio
The IUCN Red List
The concept of endangered animals is well known and other species besides animals are also at risk.
In this project, we highlight the gap in the proportion of animals and fungi assessed by The IUCN Red List, thus drawing more attention to endangered fungi from the general public and researchers.

Data & Analysis
Through our analysis, we found that on the Red List, despite being one of the most important decomposers in nature, fungi were investigated and assessed in very small numbers compared with vertebrates. There is a lack of attention and understanding of fungi.
We set the corresponding narrative rhythm and Hook text to attract and guide users to read the data. We decided to use one image instead of three different charts to present the data for coherent storytelling.

We found that the materials of Fungi and plants have a unique texture, which can give the data richer contextual information, so we decided to use collage for our data visualization.

Chart & Visualisation
We combine data with images and add animation to them, which makes the images eye-catching and interesting enough to visualize while keeping the form simple enough to be read.

Apart from Mushrooms and Fungi, Brown algae and Corals also lack attention, hopefully there may be an opportunity to visualize them in the future.